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Universal Standards — “Wherever you Are” Holidays Campaign

Celebrating the holidays as you are, wherever you are through the connections found in one New York building.

With this concept, we wanted to frame this year’s holidays as a time to make the most of where you are by finding joy in the small pleasures and embracing how this unprecedented time of separation has brought us closer: turning strangers into neighbours and friends into family.

— made with the team at Stacks Studio, shot by Grace Bukunmi.

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Universal Standards, “I’m Voting for” Campaign Videos.

We collaborate with three artists to show us who they are voting for, by highlighting the communities they have in mind when casting the ballot. Outside of the key photographs, each photographer also delivered behind the scene, lo-fi videos. Working with editor Johannes de Jong, we created a short video snippet for each of the creators, using a voiced over quote by one of their subjects. We briefed musician Breno Virícimo to create a simple audio track as a baseline to support the voice over.

— made at Stacks Studio, shot by Grace Bukunmi, June Canedo, Natalia Mantini.

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A Chinese New Year social media campaign for Uber Eats Hong Kong rooted in the Feng Shui of food.

We partnered with Feng Shui master Kelvin Poon to deliver Uber Eats APAC with a customised Chinese New Year menu according to the user’s zodiac sign and desired blessing for the New Year. Starting with an untouched savoury table of traditional Chinese New Year dishes, we scattered zodiac sign wearing props across the table for the users to browse through and pick from. Directed to a second step, they were then able to choose their desired blessing, scattered on props throughout a spread of traditional sweets. You were then delivered with dishes recommendation by the Feng Shui master and invited to order the dishes at Uber Eat’s restaurant partners.

— made at Optimist Inc., shot by Qiu Yang.

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A social media and on-site campaign for Grand Vision.

We were asked by Grand Vision to deliver visuals and copy to inform their audience on multifocal lenses, how they work, and what they do for you. We decided to stay away from the common white lab and technical jargon approach of these informational pages and embrace a human and storytelling approach to explaining multifocals. Using evocative visuals and literal, explanatory texts, we informed through content customers can understand and relate to emotionally.

We delivered a narrative established in a restaurant, where the field of vision of a curious visitor goes from the menu written on the mirror, to his reflection, to the reflection of a bolognese enthusiast in the back of the restaurant, to the splash of red sauce in the corner of her mouth. All these layers of vision that multifocal lenses give you access to, enhance experiences by unlocking the beautiful details and depth of life’s simple moments.

— shot by Ben Clement.


A poetic approach to blue light filters on social media for Pearle.

In a similar approach to the one taken for the multifocal lenses, we avoided the obvious and often sad depiction of a digital screen casting blue light and chose to embrace a poetic and abstract visualisation of the lenses’s properties.

— shot by Ben Clement.


Uber Eats Presents Taiwan Eats 團圓

We worked with the Uber Eats Taipei team and their local partners to delivered an unforgettable experience over the course of 6 days during the CNY season, as well as moving and still content to unable the events to resonate on their social medias. — made at Optimist Inc.

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Art direction & strategy for the product presentation of gender neutral products for adidas.

Within the internal adidas team — Digital Content Services, or Studio A — we created a new set of guidelines and art direction for the product presentation of the newly released line of gender neutral clothing. Aiming at representing parity, we crafted guidelines for the casting, styling and posing of the gender neutral line.